Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Notes: Abrecan and Miss Lagertha Conversation

Notes: Norn Transformation

* Do not actually turn into Spirits
- just their shapes.
* Can remain like that for a longer or shorter time
- Not necessarily difficult unless it's very long lasting
- Doesn't hurt.
* Unsure if mentality changes.
* Gain all abilities of the form taken.

Notes: From conversation with Abrecan and Miss Lagertha

* Notes so I do not forget.

- apparently when one forms a piece of wood into something else.
- Abrecan made a wolf for Lagertha.
- Note: I am curious if Ren is one of these, and if he is, what sort of things he's made.

* They Invited me to their home near Hoelbrak
- Show up in Hoelbrak
- They may find me
- Then bring me to the right location

* They [blot] consider me a friend.
- Apparently not the same as humans with friendship.
- Also find them (humans) strange.

- Of the Bear Spirit.
- Likes
- Whittling
- Brewing wine and ale
- Miss Lagertha
- Maintains the cannons for the Motley
- Only goes every now and then.
- Typically once a week.
- Would be informed if the Motley is leaving.
- He and Lagertha have a Dolyak
- Named Thrown (Throan? Throne? Throen?)
- They don't actually throw him.

- Of the Wolf Spirit
- Likes
- Hitting things
- Note: I imagine her and Androsace may get along.
- May have had some disagreement about the festival tournaments
- Sits on Thrown when he misbehaves

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