Tuesday, December 23, 2014

69, Scion, 1327

"The worst you can do is give in, and lose yourself."

Remember this.

Thank you for being there to remind me if I should forget. Thank you for having the patience to tell me to have patience.


Thank you for telling me that I have a place in this world, even though I still don't know if I can believe that. It means a lot though, to hear, even if it might not be or remain true.

I will try my best to remember. To be patient. [blot] And to believe you.

You are a grand friend, and I trust you as much as my path can allow. I hope I don't let you down.

I hope I don't let me down.

May my Choices be sound enough, and the Winds and the Chaos be in my favor.

If they are not, I am sorry.

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