Thursday, August 7, 2014
23 Scion, 1327
The last few suns have been [spot] terrifying.
It was so many things at once, but terrifying is a grand way to place all of it. [a few more blots] I am glad I was there though. I am glad that I can help, and it does not seem like I am [spot] I don't know, whatever I often seem to be when rather wished avoided. It makes sense for me to be here. It is most wise, and I am glad she agrees.
I headed out with Sphae to the Wastes not long ago. [spots]
Thorns, I still need to write more letters, to share what we've learned, but it is still [a few blots]
The near waypoint was taken. Prosperity was taken. Completely taken. It was entangled by huge vines of the Growth that were still very much active, much more than I had seen previously, and [blot] the Chaos was panicking so much. Everything in it was trying to get me to run, to get away from that place, and it only grew more desperate as we entered the town. Homes had been destroyed, people were caught in the thorns, strangled and lifeless, like the Growth was hanging them there to show and would not relinquish them. They crashed through dwellings to take those from within, and kill them. [blot]
Going in there was like walking into a wall of hands that grab and pull. I [spot] think that may have only been myself, as the Chaos wanted to escape so terribly, the tendrils nearly whined with energy to get away, they were so upset. It was difficult to focus on keeping the energy from taking me itself, though I could. I knew I could. I wished myself to be there more.
Sphae said that she had reports of a way through, that the Growth had caused a [blot] breach somewhere further into the Wastes. So we searched, and [blot] Didn't find anything at first.
Nothing we wanted to find. But it seems the Growth found us.
A twisted wall of thorns suddenly erupted from the ground, blocking the main route out of the town. The Chaos threw me around in an instant, trying to drag me through the In-Between to somewhere safer, but it couldn't keep hold of me so long. But by the time I came out, only slightly displaced, there was more than just a wall of thorns. There were [blot] husks. Large husks, and these odd [spot] things. I do not even know what by the Chaos and the Winds it was supposed to be, as it looked like a huge, twisted and compressed, eyeball..bat. Of sorts. And then there were [blot] the corpses. Wolf corpses had been taken, overgrown, and given this horrible presence and un-life. Or at least it seemed like it. I definitely saw one's skull, snapping at us through the thorn wall, with the stamen from the Growth that took it bursting from its jaws like they meant to skewer. And they were tearing their way through to us.
We ran. The town came horrifically alive then with the Growth, thorns and vines tried to grab us, the wolves were gaining, howling this.. sound, that reminds me of the far, haunting groans from Nowhere. We tried to find a place to hide, and [blot] luckily there was an open door. I grabbed Sphae's arm, and blinked us forward, rushing into the building as we both threw down our own storms of Chaos and Flame to keep the rest out. It stopped the wolves, but not the vines; they ripped and tore at us from below, and from above, burst through parts of the building. An entire wall was felled. But if a wall is gone, that means something may be revealed; the Chaos wanted out, and told me to head that way. Sphae blew away the dust, and it seems there was a hole. She shouted to run, and by the Winds, we did. [blot]
We managed to escape down a passage, it looked like a place for storage, but there were deactivated wards about, and [spot] it was oddly calm below. The Growth still caused destruction above, we could hear the rumbling, but it did not follow. We just couldn't stay there in case it did though.
We [blot] were alright, only torn at a bit, but nothing serious. It was hard for me to tell, but I think the Chaos filled me so much that I was difficult to understand. It felt half like I was talking into the In-Between, and that is not the way to speak into this reality. [a few spots] It seems though, that the storage area eventually led above ground, further from the Growth. The reports were right, it seemed. We found a way out into a different place.
Those rumors were true, about the centaurs. They were kind when we emerged from the tunnel, and offered us refuge. [blot] We took it, we needed some time to regain ourselves from [spot] what had just happened, and [a few spots] There was just so much I was thinking. I could tell Sphae was shaken. I almost thought [blot] that she was going to claim my incompetence, but it wasn't that, it was worry. I was quite worried for her as well, but [a few blots] well, I knew that we were both going to do all we could not to lose our Choices. I don't know it was a jumbling mess of thoughts I had then. The Chaos was frantic, yet calming, so instead of its wishing for flight, instead, it had reduced to do something. So I thought of all manner of things. Long distance communication possibilities, should we need to split up, are unable to hear each other through the storms, or [blot] worse. The potential for portals, so we don't have to cross Prosperity again. I wondered what, by the Winds, those things were, though.. the broad solution would be simple. No doubt minions of another Elder dragon now. ... And. Thoughts of what we could do with what we learn. What if this should spread to all entangled waypoints? What if this should simply take root all over? [a few spots] I didn't say much though, at least, not about that. What I did mention, though, was the potential for a portal. I don't think any of us wished to traverse Prosperity again, and if we needed to get supplies or leave the desert, we would have to; who knows how many times we may need to, though. We stayed for a time, discussing possibilities, but eventually, we pressed onward to find a better location.
There was a canyon, and a number of creatures in it. It was difficult to navigate with the sandstorms, but possible; the canyon only went mostly in one direction. And through it, we came to [spot] probably the most relief we crossed the entire time. A beautiful oasis. It was shielded from the storms by the surrounding formation, and grew large and grand. There were elementals, and some other hostile things about, but they could be avoided. Odd plants grew, and there was fresh water, and later, found to be a small garden for crops. Food, water, and shelter. It seemed to be a relatively safe location. So I decided near it, within its enclosure, but not a place that would attract much attention, I set up the portal.
It was foci based, and could sustain a number of uses, so long as it wasn't disturbed. Only those with attuned foci would be able to activate and use the portal, however. So with a place chosen, I have set up the portal, and we've attuned foci to ourselves as well. [a few more blots] Next sun, we will make the trip back through Prosperity to place the other entrance in Brisban, to bypass.. all that we've covered already, and what seems to be the most dangerous of the desert thus far. [blot] I have also just completed our new means of communication. It is [spot] similar to what Lafey and I created, a reflection of minds to the designated being, only with many more barriers and restrictions in place on how to communicate and what is communicated. A mere reflection of selected thoughts to the other when activated. Sphae has chosen an object for hers, and I have as well, though my parameters set are different than hers are. Still, they work, at least in close range. I suppose it will be seen soon enough how far they go, and if they work as we anticipate them, though I have few doubts. [blot]
I can't help but think that [blot] this isn't going to end. How long was it until Zhaitan fell? And this is only just beginning. I think it is best to gain as much knowledge as possible, as quickly as possible; Learn the Rules, learn to Bend them, create Reality. Yet.. this is so much bigger than us. This is so much bigger than everyone. And I [blot] I never felt this way. I have been around Risen before, even when Zhaitan was still about. I have been in places that have been corrupted. I've been near the Brand, been near Icebrood. And this Growth [blot] Something is different. There was never so much panic by the Chaos, it wasn't [blot]I don't know. Sphae implied that perhaps I could be safe, when she was worried for me. That I don't haveto be here. And I don't, but [blot] I don't think it matters where I am. This isn't going to end. Or perhaps it will, but there is nowhere to hide from it but out of Tyria entirely. And I refuse to leave a friend who wishes to see something done about it. I can't, I won't. I [spot] just hope that we will find something that will be of use, somehow. Even just to those few we choose to tell, that would be enough.
There [spot] is more to write, but for now, I [blot]
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