Wednesday, August 27, 2014

40 Scion, 1327



What else do I even say about that? The amount of sheer idiocy, how completely [blot] by the brambleous Winds, why?

I mean thorns, they got what they wanted, but by what idiotic means [smear]

I am still so completely done. And so upset that I dragged Sphae through that as she was [blot] I should have gone with my instincts, I did not [blot]

I will learn. Next time I won't agree, especially when another WHO IS COMPETENT depends on me, because that was atrocious. I couldn't stay. I couldn't bare to stay near them. We couldn't stay, and I'm just so upset that [blot] Ugh. UGH.

To think I would let such idiocy happen a second time, I am ashamed.

But they make their own Choices, so let them get what they choose.

Barreling through the Growth and the deserts like that, and then climbing up it, by the Winds.

[a few blots]

At least if the stone is what is causing this ridiculous behavior, they are seeking a way to sever it's hold. I left my theories. Sphae and I escaped their rash decisions.

And she felt she was ready to be free of the Chaos, so.. we did that. As expected, she can't move well anymore, and I have been staying with her. I'm not sure where we are, somewhere in the Kessex hills perhaps? She was worried for me, but I am more concerned for her. I [blot] knew the Chaos would act as it did. It was only a temporary struggle, nothing that lasting, though [blot] I wonder what my face looks like now. I can feel the split bark and leaves around my eyes, the smoother places where sap has hardened. I hope it's not too alarming, because it's really nothing to be alarmed for.

In the meanwhile, I remade for her something so we may communicate, since hers was.. destroyed before.

[a few blots]

It seems I have a letter, and a Shade brings it..

[ a folded letter is in these pages, and the writing seems to cease here ]


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