[There are some extensive notes on the next few pages, as well as something scribbled in the margin that simply says 'make copies: Will, Phooka, any other who asks'. The writing is much neater than recent previous entries have been.]

Notes onScouting for Riot

Those Present
- Myself
- Syrlya
- Ruckus
- Androsace
- Qwen

- Ascalon Settlement, near the Bloodfields Waypoint

- Met Ruckus chasing off centaurs.
- Syr cloaked us; needed to stay close to him for it to be maintained.
- I could see through the In-Between that the centaurs had been influenced by the familiar signature.

- only guided to do what they would normally do; like a 'push'
- not controlled
- still retained selves
- Goggles claimed they had a "violet red-purple with spikes of emerald" color signature.

Tested the waters nearby
- Contaminated with the illness
- Exactly the same as last time I tested, but the plague had been changed to affect humans
- Qwen took a sample

Entered the town
- Ruckus mentioned a group of non-soldiers entering; wearing tattered clothes, lower parts of Divinity. Young.
- Mentioned that he tracked them, but at some point they vanished.
- We looked for energy signatures; Syrlya couldn't find anything, I saw something in the distance up high. Apparently the direction of the graveyard.

Building by the graveyard
- When we approached I immediately noticed Riot's signature.
- Several floors. Most that I could see was on the second floor.

Riot's Energy
- brilliant and hypnotic
- filled the entire floor
- Had touched several others in the room. 4 others, likely Ara's friends as later thought.
- Has bent her Chaos to a feminine shape.
- She called into the In-Between in whispers "Come to me pretty minds"
- A second time I heard "Pretty little star... you cannot hide" along with a fair amount of laughter.
- Despite her words, she called into an infinite expanse, and I do not think she was able to find me.
- However, it seemed she was able to find Syrlya more directly; I think it was his tight control on his magic (as that leaves it easier to find) that gave him away.
- Androsace used a Guardian barrier of sorts, and the effects of Riot's energy were dulled; it provided a sort of protection.

- not all affected
- many around the building are [blot] Influenced. They have no self.
- They seem to react more when we approach the door of the building.
- their awareness seems only to spike if they are directed by something.
- otherwise they are fairly unresponsive to much.
- could not see through our stealth, even when very close.

- Androsace and I went to climb up to the window by the second floor to see if we could discern more.
- There was a near building, in which we climbed up to and could remain on the roof, hiding out of sight in order to peer into the window of the building and floor where Riot was staying.
What I saw
- An inactive portal, only one half; unsure where it leads due to its inactivity. If it became active, I could trace the rift, and follow it.
- Several foci held it in place. Possibly strengthening it, but those could likely be taken out.
- There was a siphoning of 'strength' and 'weakness'; a conversion of some sort.
- There were 4 other signatures; manipulations, but not butcheries that remove the self.
- also there were several 'mindless' people without selves in there with her; 2 I think.
What Androsace saw
- Furniture.
- Several young humans.
- Riot.
- A device.

We moved from the roof not long after.
- Androsace thought Riot looked at her.
- We went back, though nothing seemed unusual with the mindless group.
- Syr mentioned that he was 'spotted' again by her while myself and Androsace left; we speculated afterwards that this was due to Androsace's barrier being no longer present.
- We moved our group on after we returned.

The Medbay
- There was a medbay we had passed earlier of humans afflicted with the plague.
- There were a number of sick humans there.
- Qwen decided to test the cure while we were under stealth.
The Test
- She apparently put some of the cure in a cantine of water and set it near one of the humans.
- The human drank from the cantine.
- Apparently they showed signs of improvement; the specifics I am unsure of, as my sight was in the In-between keeping watch.
Within the Medbay
- I had switched my sight looking outside of the medbay, wondering if Riot's slaves could tell if the plague was being cured.
- When I turned my gaze in, I noticed a bit late that one of the mindless slaves without a self was actually inthe medbay.
- The mindless one was approaching the human that had been given the cure.
- I quickly stated that someone who is not of mesmeric inclination needs to stop the mindless one; if they relay information to Riot, they would tell her that somehow one of the humans had improved. However, as we were under stealth, in a crowd of humans, it could not be something obvious.
- Qwen used her elementalist powers to crush the mindless one's skull with a rock, under the guise of child laughter.

- When the mindless one went down, the other humans startled.
- There was an immediate, powerful 'wave' of Chaos energy directed on the spot where the mindless one fell; Riot seems to know when her slaves have fallen.
- We immediately left.
- I noted as we were leaving, a number of mindless ones were heading for where the other had fallen.
- Considering their inability to think for themselves, it's very possible that the human who was improving would be overlooked, if they were looking for what happened to the struck mindless.
- However, we do not know the state of that human.

- We returned to the waypoint where Ruckus parted ways with us.
- We were able to get back unfollowed and without further incident.
- Syr felt somewhat weakened from what had happened; I did not other than the expected effects of my own second-sight.


Concluding Thoughts

I believe those closest to Riot's proximity should have a guardian along with them to lessen her magical effects and inclinations onto others. It is clear she can lure mesmers, and take hold of non-mesmers. As such, I believe it is sensible that those closest to her radius are protected, while those further back have little to worry. This is a debatable stance for anyone near myself, in the case that she could notice the magic at such a close range, which could blow the ruse, though I would not object to it if thought best. For everyone else within decent range of her, (within her sight or hovering closely around the building) I think it is the most logical and tactically sound option to have a guardian's protective barrier around them.

* Since it was discerned that she was inclined by Nightmare, I am of the same-branch mind to agree with Androsace's thoughts; that having a sylvari Dreamer with me in her near proximity is perhaps not the wisest path of action. She may be able to pick up on their feelings, emotions, and inclinations to either use to her advantage, or discern true intentions. We do not know how strong and rooted her sense of empathy is. So letting a Dreamer close to her may be a risk.

I am also hesitant on having Syr or Tal be with me specifically. Not only because they are both Dreamers, but because they both have a tight control on their magic, which allows their signature to be latched onto easier. I was not found, but Syr was; twice. At a distance. He says though that he can handle it, and since he was there, I am willing to trust that he can if it is decided he will come with me. I would rather him be there between the two, though ultimately, I feel a second, who is not a mesmer nor a Dreamer, may make the most sense.

It seems it would be easy to draw away a number of the 'mindless' by harming one, at a distance. Considering their state, they do not think for themselves other than by orders given. As I said previously, typically there may be a couple who have a more increased capacity that could be considered 'leaders'. They have a slightly different signature than the others; which may be discerned through the goggles, though I'm not sure. They are a bit more capable of action, though regardless, they still cannot be saved. If discerned, perhaps taking them out first would make the most sense. It may disrupt the others' patterns, or cause them to fall into disarray, though this is only theory.

* Given the layout of the place, and where the portals are, it is possible we may not be able to draw Riot out herself. Instead, a portal may be dropped for us, and we may be told to go up to her room. I think we should prepare for both scenarios, and situate ourselves accordingly. In the unfortunate possibility that the portal within the room is activated, and we are brought up /and/ ushered to go through it, I think a signal of some sort should be devised so it can be made clear. I am also wondering if, somehow, I could set my comm to transmit one way only; thus any conversation taking place can be heard by other Knights or someone designated specifically, so it may be known what our movements are. That would allow, possibly, the foci of the portal to be taken out at a distance, and we near her could attempt to engage her so she will not escape as.. a last option.

* I am currently thinking there may be 3 groups. This is just from my understanding of the plan, though I could be wrong. 1) Myself and whoever is with me, trying to lure Riot out, or distract her personally, under the guise that I/we have heard her call and are intrigued. I don't think we will be hidden from sight. 2) Will, and whomever is with him, who would, I am guessing, be attempting to snipe her from a reasonably safe, but still close distance while she is distracted. I figure they will want to be hidden from sight. 3) Those below, making sure the mindless slaves are distracted in order to keep them from easily swarming in on the other two groups if something grows awry. They will also likely want to be hidden from sight, depending on their circumstances.
Consider that mesmers have abilities to reflect incoming projectiles. They can also contain them at the source. This considered, it may be of wise thought for someone with combat experience to be along with me as well, in case Riot uses one of these spells. Furthermore, Will and any with him should be prepared for such a possible counter.

Last time there were at least 6 others in the room with Riot; 4 were thought to be Ara's friends, manipulated though still with their selves, and 2 without selves. Hopefully they will not stay in the way of the window, if we are called up there. I think Androsace should be conferred about the actual layout of the room; if there are any other doors up, what kind of furniture is about, and so on, to have the best idea of what to expect.

Team suggestions from Ren:

Xsaiavlairnn, Androsace
-There is, of course, risk to Androsace's wellbeing. However entering Riot's lair with a Dreamer as an offering may provide a more convincing act than a pair coincidentally yielding to her at the same moment, and as you previously suggested, considering you are going to be in nearly direct contact with her, it would be wise to have a Guardian present in the event your own defenses fail.

William, Nenia
-If indeed the plan is to take her down from a distance, the Marshal may need aid remaining either cloaked, or at least given a defense from any mental attacks. Ideally they would have a Mesmer to provide invisibility, but our number only includes you who is capable of avoiding detection in the first place. Phooka mentioned a stealth device once before when we were considering infiltrating Fort Salma; speak to him about outfitting William and Nenia if plausible.