Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Notes: The Stone, Experiments, Results, and Theories pt. 1: An Attack

Those Present

* Xsaiavlairnn
* Lafeyette Mihel
* Phooka Coltsfoot
* Sphae
* Abrecan
* Rafe
* Donari Mal di Bette
* Zaree of Many Titles
* Rahvin

Prior to Experimentation

* Rahvin wished to kill me.
- Or so it seemed.
- She would listen to no reason, and stormed into the lab attempting to grab hold of me.
- Note: Abrecan yelled at myself and Lafey, though ended up wishing to keep her from me.
- Note: Donari spoke on my behalf of not being killed, but thought she should be able to pummel me.
- Note: I did not allow her near to the best of my current ability. Normally I would not be so adverse to taking blows, but the Chaos was spiking, and such would only cause it to rise more and lash out against her without my guidance. [blot] The Chaos does not care for those who seek to injure me.

* Lafey and Phooka
- Were brilliant.
- And I love them very much.
* Lafey protected me several times by using herself to get in Rahvin's way.
- Later, she did so again when the Chaos left me to make sure I would not fall, though Rahvin was bound then.
- Lafey also attempted to speak reason in my favor.
* Lafey contributed both grand observation as events unfolded, as well as some excellent theories we will need to test.
* Phooka protected me a number of times, helped guide me, and helped me not to fall.
- He spoke reason in my favor as well, and was prepared for hostility.
* Phooka also gave some grand observations and theories for experimentation, and will be working on several devices.

* Sphae
- Helped defend me by words of reason and walls of stone.
- I am quite glad she was present as well, and gave some useful insight on the stone.

* Summary
- Rahvin sought to approach me with ill intent.
- The Chaos in me was unstable, so I teleported away as much as I could.
- All the while, there was shouting and anger. Rahvin was very upset that we broke into (apparently) her room, but would see absolutely no reason for it.
- At some point, the Chaos spiked, and I could no longer keep moving unless I wanted it to keep increasing. The In-Between held me tighter when I created a Bend, and could no longer teleport either, unless I wished to be lost. I sat and tried to calm the Chaos.
- Lafey and Phooka defended me.
- Abrecan shifted form to a bear to keep Rahvin from me.
- The Chaos left me, and [blot] all was gone.
- I woke to Lafey on top of me, Rafe asking questions, and Rahvin being.. strange.

* Rahvin
- She was sparking oddly. As she does not have much magical ability, this was quite unusual.
- I looked at her through the In-Between once it was determined it was safe enough.
- She was still tethered to the Stone
- There were more 'tendrils' from her reaching out, and grasping for magic in the air.
- She appeared to be starved for magic
- Note: By events afterward, it would appear that the stone has altered her typical process of energy gain; It now appears that she gains magic and nourishment from others, taking in their power and life force to herself, in which part of it is split between her and the stone. It is uncertain whether all tethered to the stone will become, in essence, 'parasites' for the stone itself.
- Note: I have not the slightest idea how this might affect me, should it be a gradual progression to this stage. My thoughts on the process are
1) The stone drains the target of life force and magic to the point that they are not able to sustain themselves,
2) A system of converting energy intake sets in (or perhaps just an additional method is presented),
3) The target becomes an extension of the stone, seeking out energy for it in a hungered frenzy while now having a way to sustain one's self.
4) Mental stability deteriorates the entire duration; reason becomes clouded to the point where energy intake is more important than any Choices one would make otherwise.
5) Beyond this point it unknown.

Due to this hypothetical trajectory, in my case, energy is not able to be drained from me in such a fashion; I will not run out of it. The Chaos will not leave me so long as I exist, it will not deplete. Thus, I will never be able to reach that 'desperation point'. Futhermore, due to my needed Balance, I cannot take more energy in without de-stablizing. And if the Chaos is destabilized to the point of being unable to reach me, then my body cannot function at all. [blot] So what will it do to me? Anything? Nothing? Will it simply use me as a conduit for Chaos energy until it can hold no more? I really don't know.

* Rahvin Attacked Rafe and Abrecan
- Rafe placed himself in front of myself and Lafey to defend us.
- Despite Phooka trying to forcefully urge him otherwise, he still [blot] let her have him.
- It seemed to drain the life and magic from him by her grasp.
- Note: It seems this 'draining' must be a conscious effort. She had fallen on Lafey previously, and it didn't seem to have such an effect on her. Or perhaps it requires skin contact, I was unable to see exactly from my vantage. If conscious, it backs up how the stone also affects the mind. If skin contact, it backs up the same methodology used in becoming tethered to the stone in the first place.
- Note: That makes me wonder if Rafe and Abrecan might now also be affected; if touching Rahvin is like touching the stone itself. I may need to look them over.
- After draining Rafe, Abrecan attempted to pry them apart.
- Rahvin drained him as well, however, she didn't drain life or magic from him so much as she drained the affects of his pill away. [blot]
- Note: This is unusual. Either the pill itself is some sort of magic-repressing-magic, however, still counts as 'magic' to the stone, or Rahvin was attempting to drain Abrecan of his 'mortal defenses', meaning that [blot]causing victims to be within inches of their life lost is somehow a virtue to the stone. This is theory alone, but it seems very odd that a norn with such vitality would have his defense against magic drained prior to his life force. Somehow this must have been more appealing to consume.

* Phooka incapacitated Rahvin.
- I thought a second-self might make an interesting distraction, however, Phooka got to her first and used some sort of solution to knock her out.
- The second self was not retained due to my instability.
- Rahvin was tied up and watched by Donari.
- Note: Again, this may support either conscious draining, or skin contact theory; I am uncertain if she was touched when being bound, though I think Donari touched her head at some points afterward, and did not appear drained. I will need to ask.
- Rafe and Abrecan were seen to.

* From here, I resumed the work started in the first place.
- Theories, Information, and Notes will continue on another page.

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