Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Notes: Of the Stone and Her

The Stone: Those Present
* Xsaiavlairnn
* Sphae
* Rahvin
* Donari Mal Di Bette of The Sun
* Abrecan
* Selda
* Selda's dog
* Zaree of Many Titles

The Stone: Preparation
* Rahvin had the stone in a pouch.
* Donari made specific note that we have made claim of the stone.
- Rahvin mentioned it may have laid claim to us (likely joking, but possible)
* We are not testing the stone on Selda's dog.
* May later have a charr touch it.
* Mention that the stone may not like humans.
* Explanation of the first experiment.
* Mention of it possibly exploding.
- Note: It didn't. Yet.
* Selda blames Rahvin for any misfortunes.
- Notes Ravin rigged it if it's rigged.
- Donari notes it would have been done to "enhance our gains".
* Sphae confused this explanation with the one checking for deception wards.
- Note: The experiment where I bend reality did not take place. Yet.

The Stone: Experiment 1Reality Bending
* I looked into the In-Between as noted, and down to the stone.
- I held it in my hands ungloved to no adverse effect, still.
* Results
- I heard whispering, magical echoes.
- Note: they were not a call. I imagine they could only be 'heard' if close to the stone itself, and feel it is less of a beacon and more of a risidual effect of some sort, given the magic. Perhaps sometime I can sit with it longer, listening to it through the In-Between, to see if they can be further discerned.
- The stone has a strong presence in the In-Between.
- Thus it does not follow the normal Rules.
- It is incredibly powerful.

Additional Notes
* Selda mentioned someone named Arianna having a theory
- "It's a part of an ancient stone that limits magic or something. That's what she thought it was then I told her about it in Dry Top."
- "She thinks it has something to do with human blood too."

* Donari mentioned possibly tracing the connections and 'whispers' to see where they lead in the In-Between, if anywhere.
- Note: This would take some concentration and a bit of time, depending on how far they go. Also, it may leave me blind and deaf in 'normal reality' for a little while; if this is to be done, I would like it to be somewhere safe, and be able to have time for rest afterwards.

* Mention of a man named Sydney
- Left for the Priory.
- An early member.

* No tongues were lost in the course of these experiments.
- Yet.

The Stone: Experiment 2Magic Determination
* The experiment was set up.
- The Stone was in the center.
- The foci were placed in equal distances around the Stone.
- Sphae provided foci for the 4 elements.
- I provided foci for other sorts of magic.
- Zaree helped set up the foci.
* Once set, the modified Null Field was placed around the Stone
* Results
- The Field itself was repelled and dispelled powerfully.
- It sent all the foci set up around it spinning away in a spiral, and then across the floor away from the stone.
- The stone is a powerful source of magic, strong enough to completely dispel the field which was tied to an area.
- Note: The stone itself is not magically repellant, which would be the other explanation. Instead, its power overwhelmed what was trying to counter it.

Additional Notes
* Rahvin thought we may be doing the 'wrong tests'.
- Note: I am not entirely sure what the 'wrong tests' are, if we know nothing of something and are testing its properties for any more information than we have, but perhaps I will ask later if she has particular suggestions.

* Donari mentioned using it in circus acts, or as a trampoline.
- Note: I think that, while amusing and possible, is a terrible waste of potential, and might possibly be dangerous to those doing so for any number of untold reasons. The magic from this source might be able to be redirected into many magical trampolines, and much more.

* Theory was mentioned of them being, fragmented from, or connected to the Bloodstones.
- Note: I am uncertain how protected the Bloodstones were, but for some reason, I highly doubt that one would simply be placed in a chest, unwarded, that can simply be broken with no reprocussions, and thrown into a cave. Perhaps there are a manner of circumstances for that, but it seems highly doubtful. I have no proof for this thought, however.
- Note: I will need further research on the Bloodstones. While they are a known example of a 'source' of magic, I do not know if they are the only one. It's also possible that the Bloodstones were being replicated somehow, that this isn't actually one of them, and instead something with similar (though expertly done) properties.

* Abrecan mentioned destroying it.
- I will do all I can to see this does not happen; it could be catastrophic in a large number of ways to attempt.
- This suggestion, thankfully, was turned down.

* There was mention of the Priory taking the stone by Selda.
- Donari turned this down, the Jesters will remain holders of the stone.

* There were questions of why it was locked away.
- Why in a chest?
- Who did so?
- Is someone returning for it?
- Note: I should ask where Rahvin acquired the map.
- Note: I should also write up more experiments, and do as Donari suggested, as far as tracing any connections it may have from the In-Between. See if it is 'calling' or if it can be 'heard'.

* Donari mentioned using the stone.
- Not selling it, thank the Winds.
- Utilizing for some schemes.

* Zaree asked if it were a krait shard.

* Mention of it being a weapon.
- mostly disregarded.

* I began to explain the final experiment.

The Stone: Exeperiment 3Sight Unseen (Incomplete)
* I gave summary of the experiment.
* Rahvin mentioned she is not educated in runes.
- Though she only saw them when the runes touched her skin.
- It sounds as though the stone changed then.
* Mention of the runes potentially being a different old language.
* Also talk about non-humans potentially deciphering the change in runes if they touch the stone.
- Thus Abrecan held it to see what change there was in them.

* Results
- The stone ebbed.
- On a flatter surface, appeared a triangle, radiating out into a burst like a sun, and from there, sigils formed by various connecting curves.
- There is a diagram below:

[ Placeholder for symbols on the stone ]

- The markings were faint.

Additional Notes
* Rahvin seemed to recognize them.
- she appeared disturbed at first.
* Donari suggested several things.
- The Mists
- Her parents.
* Selda said 'something older?' as though it had meaning.
- Note: It seems there is something from a prior incident that may be brought up here.
* Rahvin then went to explain.
Rahvin's Explanation
* Margonites were mentioned.
- Not many knew much of them.
- Mentioned a 'while ago' before shifting thoughts.
* Doesn't know what the sigil means.
* Seems certain that this is a Bloodstone
- or a fragment of one.
* Sigil has something to do with the 4 Schools of Old magic.
- Note: This is something I must look into further myself.

AInteresting Conversation

* Donari
- asked if this is knowledge 'She' gave Rahvin.
* Rahvin
- Replied with 'yes, if you want to know what it means, She might have more answers than anyone else may have.'
* Donari
- 'Not if you have to go into that memory. You're free of her.'
* Rahvin
- 'Oh, yes I am.'
* Abrecan
- does not know who she is either.
* Selda
- Doesn't want to talk to her.
- Thinks She is trying to kill her (Selda).
* Rahvin
- States She is alive still.
* Donari
- 'How? She was in the cards.'
* Zaree
- doesn't seem to know either.
- Asked if she was a centaur.
* Selda
- said she isn't.
* Abrecan
- 'Right. So I take it this is a .. bad thing?'
* Donari
- "A demon worshiper of a dead god, who escaped for a time. Into our Rahvin."
- Note: Does this mean Abaddon? Because if so [blot]
* Rahvin and Selda
- Both agree on 'bad'ness.
* Abrecan
- asked about a new sword. Rahvin said she doesn't know.
* Selda
- Refuses to talk to Her.
* Rahvin
- Confirms that it is Abaddon.
* Donari
- "It took all the Jesters together to stop her, and many were badly hurt."
- "I'll talk to her."
* Rahvin
- Expresses hesitation.
* Abrecan
- also volunteers.
* Donari
- "I've dealt with her before. She'll respect that. Or I'll deal with her again."
- He seems quite upset.
- Agreed to let Abrecan come.
- Asked Rahvin where She was.
* Rahvin
- "I don't have any clue. All I know is that she's with Black Shield."
* Abrecan
- Doesn't know what Black Shield is.
- Says they sound like mercenaries.
* Rahvin
- "Another guild. Doing what they do, I guess. I've just heard the name and her associated with it."
- Says she will help with location scouting.
- "If you need to bring anyone else with you, you best get the volunteers. Me and Selda can hand out here and.. not poke the stone. Or lick it."
* Selda
- "I'm not going to go. I'll have even less of a heart."
* Abrecan doesn't know what this means.
* Rahvin
- "Yeah, you're not the only one... less of a mind, for me."
* Donari
- Won't bring everyone.
- Just wants to talk.
- "She held all of us off with ease, anyway, 'twas only the ritual that did her in."
- "We have no magic prison for her now. Thus, our wits will be what we need. I mostly need to make her /think/ I have a magic prison for her if she misbehaves."
* Rahvin
- "She is old. Very old. Though she doesn't look it. She's been around since.. magic was born for humans, basically."
* I mentioned that she must be wise.
* Donari
- "Power mad, vicious, murderous. Not wise."

Containment of the Stone
* Rahvin has a doublelock safe.
* I am unsure if the stone would be easily warded, but something containing it could be.

* Selda and Rahvin seem very uneasy.
- they went home together.
* I volunteered to go with them Abrecan and Donari to see this woman of Abaddon.
* Abrecan mentioned he trusted me most with the stone to keep hold of it.
- I am not going to take it with me anywhere, however, should I go elsewhere.

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