OCreating Rifts on Different Materials : Experiments 02
Attempted on Several Flesh Golems
Rens' Golem
Theory: The golem would have the portal placed onto it. From there, the golem would move to a different location. Last time, the portal warped itself, and the golem fell to pieces. Ren could not hold the golem together, it seems, due to the energy being placed on it. However, I also did not make the portal a proper circle to ensure that energy was more evenly distributed on it. This time, I will be looking for the same things as the last; if the portal can remain on the golem or not, though I will make the portal a more distinguishable circle. I am curious what will happen if this is the case, and if it would filter any light onto the solutious leaf.

- The make of the golem. I am uncertain how they are put together, and this may have an effect on the outcome.
- The size, shape, and amount of energy in the portal. Changing this may have differing effects, considering the sort of energy being dealt with.
- The amount of movement, and sort of movement, the golem makes. The location it moves to. The shift in its own parts as a 'surface'.
- The placement of the portal. Because I can only place the portal on one side of the golem, it's possible that this leads to some imbalance which may cause the energy to react strangely with the solid.
- The environment. What is in the air around the portal may have an adverse effect, depending.
- Any other number of unseen factors. I could have easily missed something here; it's certainly plausible, as it ever is, that I cannot predict the answer.

- The portal remained while the golem moved, but it twisted into almost a 8 like shape.
- The golem was pulled apart two different ways; half of it exploded while the other half was forced into the portal.
- Ren seemed to have more trouble controlling it this time than he did before.
- Ren claimed it was like holding opposing magnets together.
- The remaining pieces radiated with energy still after the explosion.
- The portal dissipated once the golem was torn.

Lafey's Golem
Theory: The golem would have the portal placed onto it. From there, the golem would move to a different location. This was meant to be a repeat of the previous experiment, only using Lafey's golem as a different variable. The results were expected to be similar, though some variables had been changed.

- All previous variables still apply.
- Lafey's magic seems different than Rens', thus it may react differently with my own magic.
- The construction of Lafey's golems may differentiate from Rens'. So the golem itself may react differently to the 'stress'.
- The golem's movement will differenciate from Rens', so it's possible that this is also a factor in the results.
- The golem may be a somewhat different size than Rens', so this should also be considered.

- The portal remained somewhat while the golem moved, but it also twisted into almost a 8 like shape, like the previous experiment.
- However, the entire golem was instead 'crunched' and sucked into the portal entirely; there was no explosion.
- Lafey claimed that the magic interacting with hers was strange. That it was like pins and needles in her hands, and after not very long, she said it was 'too much'. Soon after, the golem was 'released' and the portal sucked it in.

Concluding Thoughts

I am not exactly sure what happened here, considering what little I know about the golems' construction, and the number of other variables involved. If I wish to repeat this further, I may designate a place for the golem to move. Or perhaps make them move slowly; such as a single limb at a time to see what happens. I may wait a duration, and not ask for the golem to move at all, just to see the opposing constant. If it seems difficult to contain even when the golem is not moving, it may be more a reaction to the portal being placed on the golem itself, while the movement only makes the portal less stable. I would like to learn more about how both Ren and Lafey create their golems. Ren admits to using smaller pieces in order to patch them up easier on the move. Lafey mentions that she likes them 'fresh', and thus, are typically more whole. These insights may help explain the different reactions themselves, as the energy seemed to saturate the smaller pieces in the case of explosions.

I am also thinking of testing this theory on other things, such as a shield, and having it moved. Theoretically, it should work similar to placing it on the ground, until it is actually mobile, but these experiments have shown me that I cannot necessarily expect anything definitive.

Other Notes

- Syrlya claims that he can create portals underwater, and that they are completely stable. I wish to see this myself at some point, as I have never been of the inclination to try such a thing. I am still hesitant; I cannot shake the feeling of a potential vortex or endlessly imploding collapse, should I try it myself. But I can, of course, always be wrong.