Wednesday, April 30, 2014

24, Phoenix 1327


I've been writing notes in other places.  Since [spot] the releasing of all that Chaos, I.. noticed something.  I mean, I had then, I mentioned it I think in these memories, but it [blot]

I'm worried it might pull me closer quicker.

If I have learned anything over the past season, it is that waiting to take an action you wish to take is a mistake. I have not completed, not nearly, my research yet on how to go to the Mists instead of Nowhere upon my End.  But I think if I do not soon, I may... not have the chance.

It's [blot]  important.  Though I realize I know little of the Mists, little of much surrounding them, how the things that go there enter, if I may have to be in more places at once than one, if it's possible [blot] there are so many questions.  Lafey [spot] said she would help a while back, but [blot]  I... know things change.  She has been busy.  At least she was alright, so far as what Will mentioned last sun, that she and Ren were in Beetletun though.. [a few more spots] I still worry.

I had spoken with Nenia.  I told her of what happened, and..  she seemed concerned, until we found Will.  Who told us that everything was 'fine as it could be' and they were alright and in Beetletun.  I.. [blot]  I do not know.  Things have seemed strange.  Perhaps it is just me, I.. know that.. something is different.  Just a little, but it is, so perhaps that is what causes it.  Perhaps [spot]

Perhaps I worry I won't see them again if I am pulled too quickly.

I do not know, I just.. wish them well with what they are doing.  It is strange that Ren had said I could meet him and we never did.  It is strange I get no word from either, but.. maybe.. [blot]

There is something else I need to remember.

Will had also been having strange 'dejavu', and thought that our theory seems.. likely.  I wrote to Lafey about it.  That we should all speak to see what happened.  If [blot] she wishes to, but it is more than just myself that may find problems.  I just.. I do not know what exactly is happening, if it was the experiment.  We need to look it over, I think.

Other things..  There was a shooting by the clinic.  Will has a new job where he is protecting people (I think), and sometimes gets lost in his work as I do.  I do not know if I already wrote of the gifts I got here, I know I did to Phooka.  But Lafey got me a grand orb, like the misbehaving one that she surprised me with, Nenia got me an intriguing crystal, one with interesting properties that split forces and needs further experimentation, and Diela got me a book that looks interesting, yet I need to find the time to look over.


My mind wanders further than the ink from my hand does.  I think I will take my Silence.

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